Sometimes I can't tell anybody how I really feel don't know why.... So here are my unexpressed feelings...expressed in words to make u understand how I Really feel... Direct dil se......<3

with love,

August 14, 2010


Takes care of Herself and doesn't depend
on a Man.

She makes her own living, and
doesn't care what anyone thinks. She has
her own cash flow. She makes decisions
and handles her business, from paying
bills, buying a car, home, shopping sprees;
buying jewelry or whatever She wants or
desires,including Cruises or Trips.

She is content and happy with herself, and
not frighten, being alone. However, if she
dates, or in a relationship, She takes
no nonsense from anyone. She asks nothing
from or depends on a man, "She is An
Independent Woman." able to take care
of herself.....


  1. hey nice to see u at blogging world ....well it was nice post one of your's !! She is an independent woman - its ture !and u know how its becouse of woman power!!!

    well keep writting u have great potencial ...and plz welcome to my blog i hope i like it!!

    till than keep writting and laughing !
    Jai HO Manngalmay HO

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  4. बहुत जरुरी है - शुभकामनाएं

  5. great poem

    is it written by you...?

    if u want to have some knowledge of sanskrit also you can join our sanskrit class

    ब्‍लागजगत पर आपका स्‍वागत है ।

    किसी भी तरह की तकनीकिक जानकारी के लिये अंतरजाल ब्‍लाग के स्‍वामी अंकुर जी,
    हिन्‍दी टेक ब्‍लाग के मालिक नवीन जी और ई गुरू राजीव जी से संपर्क करें ।

    ब्‍लाग जगत पर संस्‍कृत की कक्ष्‍या चल रही है ।

    आप भी सादर आमंत्रित हैं, पर आकर हमारा मार्गदर्शन करें व अपने
    सुझाव दें, और अगर हमारा प्रयास पसंद आये तो हमारे फालोअर बनकर संस्‍कृत के
    प्रसार में अपना योगदान दें ।

  6. And please remove word verification also

  7. ya anand this poem is writtem by me.......
    n thanks alot for awaring me about ur sanskrit blog.....

  8. thanks rakesh ji and its my pleasure that u read my blog . i like if u suggest me something which enhance my writing skills.....

  9. the independent adios is much in chaos,.. the potential, the surge is all a burge without the need of a directed thurst.

    lol, chaotic wording :|

  10. Nice!!! Really like the article. Keep it up!! :)
